We've had very busy days and not much time to post here, so mainly lots of new photos and a quick short update on what we have been doing.
We got lots of free plants for our front, close to the entrance and below the yoga room, lots of yuccas and some type of Lillies. Justin planted and Lucille liked to put her bottom into the freshly undug holes :-). There have been lots of kangaroos around our house all the time, which the kids love to watch (and me too :-) ).
We had looots more rain and our tanks are almost full again - you beauty :).
Also one evening a huge duck came to us, had a drink, a feed and spent the night on our deck....leaving it covered in poo. She would have made a nice pet, but too much work, cleaning up after it (being a poo machine like that...). A great experience for the children though.
Lucille has been very adventurous, walking off very long ways from me (today at the playground she walked off to the way other side, looking at people, exploring their picnics....- I think she will be moving out in a few years, going on a round the world trip ;-) ), getting into everything she can get her hands on, and has started to point to things she finds interesting, saying daaadaaaa. Matti put his fairy dress on her, and she loved it, as the photos show, she was walking through the house in it, not wanting to take it off.
Her and Matti have been playing more, catch me and so on... and she has been enjoying the swing and slide on the playground. She also loves to climb up somewhere, on our little bench or up our stairs and then yelling out to us to come and get her...over and over again :-).
Matti has just been painting with watercolours and as usual, they didn't stay on paper long, but ended up on his body...and Lucille's :).
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